Spinning Workshop
Who: Loco Membership & Plus 15 available seats
What: A Spinning Weekend with Fae Evans – for experienced spinners
When: Sat. June 28 9a-4p
Sun. June 29 9a-3p
Where: OSU Lorain County Extension Office
42110 Russia Rd.
Elyria, Ohio
How Much: $100.00 to cover instructor, room rental, & fiber samples- if any further sample money is expected we will update you with the cost.
The weekend will include spinning wheel tune-up, color blending and theory, spinning different fibers and refining your spin!
Supplies Needed for you to bring:
- Your working spinning wheel
- Your normal spinning chair
- Any tools or fibers you may need help with
Breakfast & Lunch: Bring a bag lunch- Snacks, water, breakfast rolls, will be provided. There is a kitchen with stove and refrigerator.
Deadlines: All reservations and payments are due by April 30, 2014. Remember, only 15 reserved seats will be accepted. Don’t delay.
Checks payable to LOCO
Send payment & your information for reservations to:
Nancy Kuhar
1547 St. Rt.60
Wakeman, Ohio 44889
Questions can be sent to Nancy – nancyjk52.gmail.com
Judy- slowandeasyalpacas@yahoo.com