
MAY 2017 Newsletter

Here is the May 2017 Newsletter. 2017 May LOCO You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and read it, which you can find here.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, MAY 14th at 7:00 p.m. We’ll gather at the Carlisle Reservation Visitors’ Center, (in the smaller room), on Nickle Plate Diagonal Road (directions here).

May Program
CARD WEAVING with Mary Louise Van Dyke
Card weaving basics, with hands on as time allows. There will be a few Inkle Looms experiment with. If you bring a sturdy belt, you can try it without the Inkle Loom.

Please use the WOOLERY link on this page to do your shopping!  It helps the guild!

By Gina

Weaver, spinner, ukulele player.