
February 2022 Newsletter


I will be opening up the ZOOM Link by 6:30pm on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, Robyn Spady will begin at 7pm.

Here is the February 2022 Newsletter. 2022 February Newsletter. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and read it, which you can find here.



January 2022 Newsletter

Happy New year Everyone!!!!!!!

Well, Happy New Year and here we are going to Zoom meetings.  Yes, the January and February meetings are Zoom meetings.  I will send you the link on by Monday morning prior to the meeting. If you have “show and tell” you would like me to put on the screen, please send pictures to me by 6pm prior to the meeting. (

I will be opening up the meeting by 5:45pm on Tuesday, because the Sheep to Shawl project is having a planning meeting at 6pm.

Lots of things are closing down this month.  I was just told that FAVA has cancelled building access and classes for January.

Watch for an email in the next couple days with a questionnaire button.  Please open it and fill it out, we are looking for opinions and suggestions for the coming year.  It will read “LOCO 2022 Suggestion Box” in the header and be from me and the guild.

Here is the January 2022 Newsletter.  2022 January Newsletter. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and read it, which you can find here.
