
Jan Pesek Sale

There here will be a presale of Jan Pesek’s items for all Medina Guild members prior to the “open to all” sale.

The “open to all” sale will be held on Saturday, January 14,  from 12: pm to 4:00 pm.

The sale will be at Jan’s house at 3685 Seven Oaks Trail, Richfield OH 44286.
Please contact Rosanna Ludwig if you have questions.
Original Equipment List:
-Schacht Baby Wolf- 8 shaft/10 treadle, with 3 beams, raddle, reed, and bench!
-Loomcraft- 8 shaft/10 treadle 42” weaving width, sectional beam, reed, with bench!
-Toika- we think the Eeva model- 4 shaft but 4 more could be added, 48”, 2 reeds, and bench. Jan got this in the last year or so. $2500
-Reed rug loom- 4 shaft, about 42” wide, $500
-Bench- $65
-Carol Leigh Triangle loom- $300
-Tape loom- $40
-Large Ashford tapestry loom- $100
-Mirrax tapestry loom-about 12” weaving width, looks like new, $150
-small table loom- 2 shaft, 17” wide, $50
-Trapeze- $50
-Harrisville warping mill- $250
-Warping board- $15
-Lendrum spinning wheel- large plying head, regular plying head, 3 bobbins, lazy Kate, $750
-Lendrum spinning wheel with carrying case- regular head, lace weight head, spindle, 3 bobbins, $850
-Spinning stool- $75
-Spinning chair- $75
-John A Mack Picker- $200
-Strauch’s finest Drum Carder- $500
-Nancy’s Knick Knack Cone Winder- $250
-LeClerc electric bobbin winder- $100
-Swedish hand crank bobbin winder- (two available) -$75
-Spool rack, tension box, and spool stand- $100

Cleveland Art Museum: Tapestry Exhibit

Cycles of Life: The Four Seasons Tapestries

Sun, 02/13/2022 to Sun, 02/19/2023

Arlene M. and Arthur S. Holden Textile Gallery | Gallery 234
(From the CMA website: ) Cycles of Life: The Four Seasons Tapestries offers visitors an in-depth look at a rare, complete set of tapestries in the museum’s collection that has not been displayed since 1953 because of the tapestries’ fragile condition. Each tapestry depicts seasonal activities: fishing and gardening (Spring), grain harvesting (Summer), wine making (Autumn), and ice skating (Winter). When viewed together, the tapestries represent a full cycle of life. Taking the “four seasons” motif as inspiration, this exhibition tells the story of the life of the tapestries through four themes—their initial design and production, subsequent reproduction and alteration, later acquisition by the museum, and recent conservation treatment by tapestry conservation specialists in Belgium, at Royal Manufacturers De Wit, under the supervision of the CMA’s textile conservator. The exhibition also offers an in-depth look at the difficult craft of tapestry conservation, including its ethics, techniques, and concerns.
Here is a link to a YouTube video that shows the conservation process. Click Here

December Newsletter

Here is the December 2022 Newsletter. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and read it, which you can find here.

Our next meeting is December 8, 2022.    We’ll gather at the Wellington Visitors’ Center at 6:30 pm for our POTLUCK NIGHT!

Program: Lisa Whitfield from “For Ewe:  An inclusive Fiber community” (Yarn and lessons store) in Oberlin, wants to meet and greet with us. We will also be having our shawl drawing, scholarship drawing and presentation. 

(Business meeting and Show & Tell)

Location: Wellington Reservation

Meal provided by:  All of us! Please bring a dish to pass, your own place setting and your own beverage.

Face masks available at the door if you want to wear one.

Click here to see the December 2022 Newsletter.