
April 2023 Newsletter

Here is the April 2023 Newsletter.  You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and read it, which you can find here.

Our next meeting is April 11, 2023.

LOCO Lesson (Meet at 6:15 pm): Anyone interested in joining the Study Group for Double Warp will meet for a brainstorming session at 6:15 pm.  Bring your calendar to help set dates for the study group.

Program: Monochromatic Color Challenge Sharing. Bring those projects you have been working on to share! We will also be making new nametags. Elizabeth Y. will show us how to do cording to go with our name tags. Let’s get creative!

Business Meeting and Show & Tell

Location: Carlisle Reservation

Snacks provided by:  Julie B., Ann H. , Sherry Y. 

Bring your own Beverage.


Click here to see the April 2023 Newsletter