
2023 September Newsletter

Here is the 2023 September LOCO Newsletter


Next Meeting: September 12, 2023


Bring your fair items for fair show and tell. We are proud of what you do and make! We are also doing our basket raffles. (There will be 34!)  Looking forward to a fun night of sharing.

Business meeting

Location: Carlisle Reservation

Snacks provided by: Kathy W., Jean O., Laura S.

Bring your own Beverage.

Face masks available at the door if you want to wear one.



The Lorain County Fair

The Lorain County Fair runs from August 20-August 27, 2023. Many of our members have submitted entries so consider going to the fair to see their work and support their efforts! Don’t forget we have 2 demonstration opportunities too! Tuesday, August 22, 2023 from 10 am-3pm in Building 26 by the entry display and  Sunday August 27, 2023 from 10 am-3 pm in the Pavillion. Make sure you let Gina T. know that you demonstrated so you can get your name in the scholarship drawing. 


2023 August Newsletter

Here is the 2023 August LOCO Newsletter


Next Meeting: August 8, 2023

Program: We have so many new members we would like to celebrate each other and get to know each other a bit better!

In August, we are going to get to know each other thru Show N’ Tell! Bring your favorite weaving, spinning, or other fiber related project.  Bring the project that taught you something important while on your fiber journey.  (Maybe because it was such a fiasco).  Bring in the tool that you love the most.  We can share learning, and laughs, and FIBER ARTS!

Fair forms/collection of fair forms and money. AND one more in house shawl raffle…$1 for one ticket!

Business meeting

Location: Carlisle Reservation

Snacks provided by:  Jean C., Jess D., Lynn B. 

Bring your own Beverage.

Face masks available at the door if you want to wear one.

September is the big Basket Raffle.  Look around your space and if there are any cones of fiber that you may never use, or extra tools, or other fiber related items, please bring them in to the August meeting and give them to Missy so we can prepare them for September.