
September 12 Meeting Teaser!

It is that time of year again! Time for the basket raffle! There are some handy baskets and there are some diamond
baskets. There is a 4 harness Leclerc Table loom that is excellent. There is a beautiful drum carder, Gilmore Shuttles, yarn to knit, weave and crochet with. There is fiber for spinning, hand carders, a warping board, and a Lendrum jumbo head flyer. Over 30 baskets and items. We often get last minute donations so you never know what you might find. The tickets are 1$ each and 6 for 5$. Drop your ticket or tickets in the jar in front of the item you would like, and you might just win it! Join in at the September 12th Tuesday meeting at 7 pm. To participate in the raffle you must be a member with your
dues current. All items including the baskets they come in are donated. All items are as is and must be taken home Tuesday evening.

If you aren’t a member, this is a great time to join. Download the membership form and bring your dues with you. Join the fun!