
2023 October Newsletter

The October Newsletter can be found here! 2023 October LOCO Newsletter 

Next Meeting: October 10, 2023

Program:  One Woman’s Opinion

Because the Wellington setting is not so easy for us to show a movie, we have made a program change. The movie on overshot will be shown in November at our usual location (Carlisle Reservation).

As a lead in to our monthly LOCO Guild Fair (23-24) entries, we thought we would instead have an informal critique of any weaving, spinning or knitting projects members would care to bring in. Rosanna Ludwig is a member of the Medina Spinners and Weavers Guild. She has years of experience as a weaver, spinner, and knitter. She will be with us in October with a program we are calling “One Woman’s Opinion”. Anyone is free to bring in a piece or two of their work, be it fantastic, or maybe not so much so, and Rosanna will give us all her critique. This is an informal setting, and we hope folks will receive her thoughts in the spirit in which they are given. We will get to as many pieces as time allows.

Business meeting, Show & Tell 

Location: Wellington Reservation

Snacks provided by:  Betsy B., Sheri Z., Barbara D.

(Thanks for all the yummy snacks last month!)

Bring your own Beverage.

Face masks available at the door if you want to wear one.